Our friend Marian brought these to a get-together and they were so cute I just
had learn to make them. She walked me through it and I've made them for several
potlucks now - they're fun to make and they're always a hit!
The ingredients can be found in any grocery store: carrots, Extra Large and Medium olives (you need a
size difference here), cream cheese, toothpicks, sour cream, and roasted red peppers. The roasted
peppers are optional, but they add a fun kick of red to the plate. (Note: bring the cream cheese out
of the fridge for an hour or so before using it so it can soften up a little bit)
The carrot will make the beaks (bills?) and the feet. Slice the carrot into ~1/8" rounds. Then cut
a triangle wedge from each round. The triangles are the beaks, the round minus the wedge are the feet.
In each of the Extra Large olive, cut a vertical slit through one half. If you squeeze on the top and
bottom of the olive the slit will open up for the next step.
Put some softened cream cheese into a zip top bag and cut a tiny bit off of the corner. Then squeeze
the cream cheese into the slits in the Extra Large olives - you're making the penguin bellies.
Cut the roasted red pepper into longish strips about 1/8" wide. Use paper towels to blot the peppers dry.
Cut a small horizontal slit toward the middle of a vertically held Medium olive. Insert the carrot beaks.
You've now got all the pieces you need to make the penguins
Now just use a toothpick to skewer them up: first the head, then the body, and finally firmly into the feet.
Dress some or all of your penguins with the red pepper scarves.
Spread sour cream onto your serving plate. This will serve two puposes: it will give the penguins a nice snowy
place to stand, and it will also provide some stability so your penguins won't fall down too easily.
Place all of your penguins onto the snowy base...
... and you have your very own "March of the Penguins"
Thanks Marian, for sharing these adorable little appetizers!